Järgnevalt toon ära kolme Toronto Ülikooli inseneri eriala lühiülevaate, millest minu tüdruk momendil huvitatud. See võib muidugi eeloleva aasta jooksul muutuda. Tõlkida ei viitsi, keda huvitab peaks saama piisava info google translatorit kasutades aga kui tekkib mingi spetsiifiline küsimus vastan hea meelega kui oskan.
Peaks veel lisama, et Toronto Ülikool on Inseneriteaduste ja tehnoloogia vallas maailma parimate ülikoolide hulgas. Eelmisel aastal Timesi hinnangul 18's maailmas ja eriala kaupa hindas QS World University Rankings Computer Science and IT alal 10'ks ning Elektri Insenerinduses 13'ks maailmas. Uhke olla selliste tipptegijate nagu Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, Princeton, UCLA ... jne hulgas, mõnel erialal neist isegi eespool.
Computer and Electrical Engineering
As an electrical and computer engineer you will work at the heart of the most rapidly developing technology humankind has ever seen. You'll employ nanoelectronics, computers or new photonic crystals to create biomedical instruments that save lives, ultra high-speed internet connections, and new robotic systems that can search disaster sites or remotely explore other planets. You will make devices and systems that harvest the energy of the sun, wind and sea and channel it into the energy grid that supports modern civilization. A unique feature of the ECE program you'll enjoy at U of T is the breadth of scientific and engineering endeavours that it enables you to work in. It is common to find electrical and computer engineers working in: business, biomedical engineering, computer hardware, the aerospace industry, computer software, nanoelectronic chips, photonics, nanoengineering, robotics, and solar energy harvesting & distribution.
With the raw materials of light, electricity, imagination, physics, biology and a "can-do" attitude, you will be at the forefront of creating the future.
Bachelor of Applied Science, 4 Years, $10,903.00
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians 2241 $23.11 $51,461.00
Computer Engineers (hardware) 2147 $35.15 $76,594.00
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace engineers research, design and develop aerospace vehicles, aerospace systems and their components, and perform duties related to their testing, evaluation, installation, operation and maintenance. They are employed by aircraft and spacecraft manufacturers, air transport carriers, and in government and educational and research institutions.
Bachelor of Applied Science, 4 Years, $10,903.00
Aerospace Engineers 2146 $32.31 $69,629.00
Engineering Science
Engineering Science (EngSci) is regarded as one of the top engineering programs in the world, and is widely recognized as an innovator in the field of engineering education. Our students are taught by top professors and lecturers from the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, as well as from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics and Medicine at U of T. Our unique and demanding curriculum builds a multi-disciplinary foundation for all students in Years 1 and 2 and prepares them to pursue one of eight exciting Majors in Years 3 and 4.
Years 1 and 2 are focused on giving students a strong foundation in engineering design, basic sciences, engineering sciences, mathematics, computing and the humanities. This unique foundation in both science and engineering is developed specifically for and delivered only to Engineering Science students at U of T.
In Years 3 and 4, students choose their Major. The content and choice of Majors is constantly evolving to address the changing needs and demands of society. This enables EngSci graduates to become leaders in their field with the latest scientific and technological innovations at hand.
Other Professional Engineers 2148 $32.31 $67,175.00
Vastuvõtmise ehk sissesaamise tingimused neile erialadele
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
Grade 12 English (ENG4U)
Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)
Grade 12 Chemistry (SCH4U)
Grade 12 Physics (SPH4U)
Grade 12 Advanced Functions (MHF4U)
One additional Grade 12 university-level or university/college-level course
A minimum grade of 60% is required in Grade 12 English requirements
A minimum grade of 70% is required in all other prerequisite courses
83 % - 87 %, (90 % - 97 % for Engineering Science)
University of Toronto üldinfo
Established in 1827, the University of Toronto is Canada's largest university, recognized as a global leader in research and teaching. U of T's distinguished faculty, institutional record of groundbreaking scholarship and wealth of innovative academic opportunities continually attract outstanding students and academics from around the world. U of T is committed to providing a learning experience that benefits from both a scale almost unparalleled in North America and from the close-knit learning communities made possible through its college system and academic divisions. Located in and around Toronto, one of the world's most diverse regions, U of T's vibrant academic life is defined by a unique degree of cultural diversity in its learning community.The University is sustained environmentally by three green campuses, where renowned heritage buildings stand beside award-winning innovations in architectural design.
Year Established 1827
Number of Students 56,800
Number of Faculty 5,130